Week #24 - Ronna

 “This is racism! Why can't orange crayons be the colour of the sun? This is complete cruelty.” The orange crayons shouted angrily.  The yellow crayons were about to speak but the orange one spoke first,“ We declare a war!!” exclaimed the orange crayon “What!” said the yellow crayons, “But don't you  think we look much better as the sun?” said the yellow crayons, “Just admit it we look better than you scruffy orange crayons,”  said the yellow crayons.  The rest of the crayons were confused by what was happening.  “Stop already!”  said  the teal crayons. But, the fight continued forever .


  1. Ronna, I so like the way you've used the prompt. I actually agree with the orange crew. The sun often looks to be their colour. The pinks could also make a stand here too don't you think?
    You've used dialogue carefully and correctly too.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Jackie (Team 100WC)
    New Plymouth


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