
Showing posts from May, 2020

Week #35 - Liam

I was fishing with my friends and my dog when I heard a  noise in the water. I caught something! It tugged on my fishing line. I almost got hauled in the water, it was an alligator! I was terrified! I yelled out to friends who were down the river. Then my dog did something so weird I didn't know what to say.  He jumped into the water with a splash and started riding the alligator down the river to my friends. He could steer the alligator! He jumped off when he reached my friends and then the alligator disappeared.

Week #35 - Venus

Lyla was a 10 year old. Running away from her aunt’s was a hard decision. She lived in the middle of a forest. All kinds of dangers were around. Tired, she looked up at the sky. It was getting dark. She spotted a small cave beside a lake. It was the only place to go. The wolves would come out soon. So she clambered inside and fell asleep. Suddenly she woke up. Walked outside, looked in the river and spotted a scruffy dog struggling to get out of the river. Struggling, she pulled him out. The two became great friends.

Week #35 - Luca

We’re here kids, let's get out  of the car. Why are we at a river? I thought we were going to the beach. Come on, it'll be fun we can even go up to the mountain. It's even got snow! Ok, then we can try. I don't even want to go to the mountain . I don't care what you think we are going to the mountain. Fine I’ll go just because I want to touch snow again, but it will still be boring...I know it will be! We are halfway there. Wow the snow! This is actually quite fun!

Week #35 - Dave

Walking through the deepest part of the forest my dog came running to me, he was happy. I hadn’t seen him happy for days. Then I heard something. I think it was someone. I was super worried. My dog was going too far. I gave him treats so he came back to me. But all along we were following my dad? He was going fishing. I didn't know dad fished here. He said there were a lot of fish in this river.  My dog had a drink from the river while dad fished.  When they finished we went back home.

Week #35 - Tomasi

My dog and I were in America and we wanted to go somewhere quiet where there was no loud noise. We went to the river and started to like the quiet there. I went into the water and it felt like someone or something was pulling me, but it was just the seaweed. When I looked back at my dog, my dog made a loud barking noise. I stopped him because this is supposed to be a quiet day! My dog always makes barking noises, I started to think I liked the noise. I was having such a fun day!

Week #35 - Haimish

I’ve found the right spot in the giant forest. It looked amazing! Water flowed like a nice breeze with the perfect temperature. The sun was shining bright and the wonderful, colourful birds were singing. I knew this was the right spot! I set up camp and made myself quite comfortable. The hours felt like ages but it was so nice. But later at night while I was sleeping…. I heard a creepy creaking noise followed by a giant ROAR. I went out to investigate, as soon as I got outside, I realised the noise was coming from a berry bush...

Week #35 - Karaitiana

“Storm, there’s a wild boar! Chase it - go boy go!” No the wild boar has escaped, just as my dog had his tail and he was about to snap it.  The wild boar sprang into the water and swam right over to the other side. He hit his leg and fell to the ground. This is good but all of a sudden my dog just stopped and growled. I was frustrated that the wild boar got away. As I was about to leave I saw the mountains when I slipped on a rock. Everything went black I was knocked out.

Week #35 - Lachie

It was the middle of winter when a dog found a slump and it had a lovely view of the mountains and lake.The legend goes that there were teeth like a giant dagger of the swamp monster lurking in the waters below . The dog hopped into the water hoping for a nice relaxing swim when everything changed! The swamp monster leaped up swallowing the dog hole. The dog was whining like a baby the whole way down the throat of the swamp monster. The swamp monster returned to its home and from then on, dog was its favourite meal.

Week #35 - Gian

It was a lovely day to go fishing in the cool lake. I took my dog with me in case something bad happened. We walked half a mile to get there. It was a good exercise and my bag was so heavy, containing fishing rods, bait, water, treats for my dog and more… We caught 13 fish and 3 eels. We were so lucky!! We ate three fish for dinner. While we were fishing it was so cold , but our fish paid off. The fish that we caught were so big  and they were so incredibly yummy with soy sauce.

Week #35 - Noah

Cambodia, a truly amazing place, the place my parents want to stay and fish. I mean I wouldn't blame them. It's a place with an astonishing amount of wildlife for a place poorer than Argentina. Anyway once we found a good place to fish we took out our fishing rods and I caught a trout with a little bit of help from my dad. After catching around eight fish we let our dog explore a bit and he accidentally caught a fish! So we called him back to go check out Cambodia.  Cambodia is an awesome country - you should go! 

Week #35 - Tineke

It was a cold winter's day when Lilly and I set out for an adventure. The wind was wilder than ever and the trees were bare. I could hear the swift noise of the river flowing down gently. It was lovely until I heard Lilly scream! What had happened, swirled in my brain. I couldn’t believe it, Lilly fell in and was not swimming. I barked as loud as I ever had. After a few minutes I saw people. I was relieved Lilly had been saved! I looked up with my head proud I had saved my best friend's life.

Week #35 - Roaness

I was having a nice breezy walk in the wonderful warm forest with my dog.  Suddenly my dog Tom ran off barking. It was so loud I felt like I would turn deaf! It was like my dog was screaming or yelling my name. I thought my poor Tom was in  serious danger, so I ran as fast as I could to get to him. When I caught up, I saw he was barking at the grey fish.  I thought I had better get home because I had walked for hours.  Before I left I saw the enormous, humongous mountains.

Week #35 - Cooper

The sun was steaming on my silver, white fur while I was running as fast as I could to the coldest lake ever. After what seemed like forever, I finally got there. Look at this lake, I wonder how cold it is! I can't wait to get into that cold refreshing water. Let's take a cool off in the lake. I finally jumped in and it’s amazing.  Wow… well that huge tree looks like it's going to fall into the lake! I better get out of the way..... Splash!! The tree falls into the water! That was a close call!!

Week #35 - Indi

It's a cold day and I found a dog.  I wondered where the dog's owner was?  There was no one there. I didn't know what to do, so I thought and thought for a while.  I stopped taking photos and I went to go and look for the dog's owner.  I can see a car has just left. I wondered if the owner was in that car?  That exact car came back and I do not know what to do. I go over to the car and I ask, “Is that your dog?” She said, “Yes that is my dog.”

Week #35 - Nixie

“I am Rose, who are you two?”  Then Lizzy and Star saw her. She had beautiful red hair and light brown freckles. As they went closer Star said, “Hi I am Star and this is my friend Lizzy” Rose said, “Hi”. They started talking and when they were done Rose asked them to follow her. They followed her to a beautiful lake and a… DOG! Lizzy and Star ran to the cute adorable dog.  “Her name is Victoria,” said Rose. “She is ADORABLE!” said Lizzy and Star. They both started to pet her. “He is actually a boy,” said Rose.

Week #35 - Harriet

As I run through the dark spooky woods at night I find myself lost. I wonder where I am? I look all around and find nothing. All I can see is glistening water and mountains far, far away. I look over to my left and see a boy, I run up to him because I smell treats. He puts his hands in his pockets and walks away. I bark loudly and run after him. since I don’t have an owner he gave me a treat. some dog food and water.  He then took me to his place, it was cozy!

Week #35 - Alex

Brrr it is very cold in the hills I probably should put another coat on. Well my dog seems fine, maybe he is just trying to act all tough for a bone. Roar!!! We hear the faint roar of a NZ Red Deer. It sounds really far away. But then, crunch there it is… standing right across the river staring me down!!  My dog starts barking at it and scares it away. In ten or fifteen minutes it comes back to take a drink. I get my rifle set up for a good shot, and then  BANG! It goes down. 

Week #35 - Sophia

"Hey stop it, stop it!" I cried. This strange creature was scratching my beautiful trunk. "Hey can you hear me?" I tried to ask, but no reply. You wouldn't imagine what happened next. This creature made a loud sound. It was annoying and weird. "Please can you stop it," I yelled. It must have not heard me because it was moving around scratching me and making a large sound like "woof?" "Argh STOP IT!!!!" I screamed. It didn’t budge. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" I yelled. It still didn’t move. Finally it went back to this other creature. "Ah, all is calm, time for……………"

Week #35 - Kiko

The courageous dog leaped out of the cage and flung into the distance. The cruel pound owners gave chase as he raced for freedom. The brave dog stopped dead when it saw a river. With the evil pound owners close behind, he had to think. He got a sharp rock in his mouth and started striking a nearby tall tree, to tip it over. At last, the crooked tree tipped over, creating a bridge. The dog trotted over the wet, slippery tree while the pound owners got to the riverbank. The tree suddenly fell. “Darn you!!!!!!!!!!!” said the pound owner.

Week #35 - Kayleigh

It was a cold winter day by the lake in the best country, Ireland.  Suddenly my dog ran away from me and nearly fell in a stream!  “Lily!” I called out to my beautiful golden retriever.  I walked closer to see her staring into a sparkling blue stream.  I decided to take a photo of her standing there by the sparkling stream, snow on the tall mountians and naked looking trees.  “Come on” I say to Lily, “time to go home.”  But Lily doesn't listen and jumps into the stream to catch a small little fish her dog eye spies.       

Week #35 - Ryan

As I travelled in the forest I found this beautiful lake.  My dog was going closer and closer to the lake and eventually he slipped! Quickly I ran and tried grabbing his paw, but I couldn't reach him. I decided to swim even though I was scared of the water, I needed to face my fears. I took a deep breath and jumped. It was very cold and I couldn’t stop. I paddled my way to him and I shouted “Grab my hand!” He barked and I saw his paw and grabbed it! I carried him safely to the land.

Week #35 - Althea

As I walked through the coldest woods I decided to have a rest, I looked to the sky and at the breezy snowy mountain... Until an unknown dog was standing there looking at me. I decided to take a picture of the dog with the view. As I was going to stand up and pat the dog, it suddenly ran away. I wanted to see how cold the water was when I realised that my family was waiting for me in the car. When I got there the dog was with them. I noticed that it was our dog Yontan.

Week #33 - Venice

The flames grew higher and higher, the deafening screams echoed through the cold night. When the firefighters arrived, the neighbourhood was either evacuated or recording the fire. How foolish.  However, I do feel sorry for the family. Their one million dollar house is now in one million pieces of ashes. But who is to blame? Honestly, I blame the Father, who was frying fries for dinner. However, I have a feeling they didn’t pay attention in cooking class.  Well, if I had to tell the world one thing, I would say, “Turn the stove off when you go out.”

Week #33 - Kayleigh

One day I was walking down the street at 8:30pm.  It suddenly started to get a little bit dark, and quite cold.  Then I realised that I needed to hurry home because it was so late.  As I was leaving town I heard voices.  They were girls screaming on a trampoline.  I walked past their house and walked down towards mine.  The deafening  screams echoed through the cold night.   It was getting so dark I couldn't see anything!   I began to feel sleepy so I sat down, rested my head and fell asleep.  I dreamt that I was home. 

Week #33 - Tineke

“Yes” I was invited to a sleepover. It was my second sleepover and I was really excited. I started packing straight away. When everyone had arrived we opened up all the presents and played delightful games. When it was time for bed we all nicely went to sleep but me. The deafening screams echoed through the cold night making me scared. I woke my friend up and said I was scared. She understood and said that if you put something happy into your mind it will not be scary. So I did, and that night ended up being the best.

Week #33 - Alex

It was a cold winter’s night and all you could see was pitch black darkness. There were deafening screams that echoed through the cold night that came from the concert just down the road. We were just about to head out fishing but we were wondering what the noise was when we remembered about the Six60 concert. My friend tried to start the truck but it was too cold for the engine. So we used my car. We had just got on the main highway and then gurgle, gurgle errrrr…. Our car stops dead in the middle of nowhere.

Week #33 - Kiko

As we darted into the giant, spooky forest, bright beams of light from flashlights held by the police chased us further and further. We came to a dead stop at a clearing with a cliff. The police were nearby, so we hid in nearby berry bushes. The beams didn’t stop; the police were still there, with heavy footsteps racing to where we were. The deafening screams echoed through the cold night , because they didn’t see the cliff and kept running. My friends and I celebrated our escape, but little did we know that we were responsible for their unexpected death.

Week #33 - Gian

One night in the jungles of Nepal, my friends and I were going to hunt down an orangutan. We searched for hours to find it. It was freezing cold and windy. There were seven of us and we all had hunting rifles. It would take two shots to take down an orangutan, my gun had to reload because I had already shot one bullet. Minutes later, my friend found the orangutan sitting quietly up in the tree. It was really dark so we couldn't quite see him. I shot my gun and the deafening screams echoed through the cold night. 

Week #33 - Cooper

A couple of months ago my brother and I were out in the dark scary woods at night hunting for deer. The  deafening screams echoed through the cold night. Where's James? Over there. What's he doing over there? It's raining hard down! Zap!! And there is lightning too. The lightning zapped a tree right in front of my brother. “Quick, someone save me!!” said my brother.  I ran over to my brother and pulled him out of the way. “Thank you for saving me,” sighed James.  “That's all right,” I replied. “Come on let's go home before we get wet”.

Week #33 - Noah

I remember when my dad and I went to watch rugby, the Crusaders (home) were playing against the Jaguars (away). When we entered the stadium, even though it was cold there was a party atmosphere! There were people doing face paint, people selling the little chip baggies and promoters doing a ball throwing competition where you won prizes. It was an interesting game because the Jaguars only got one try in the entire game. But funnily enough it was the first try of the game. Every time one of the teams scored, the deafening screams echoed through the cold night.

Week #33 - Lachie

The deafening screams echoed through the cold night as dinosaurs battled ferociously.  Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! was the noise of the T-Rex as he made his way to the battlefield terrorising the people and making them scream again.  Swish.  That was the sound of the Pterodactyl swooping down.  Bang! Crash!  A Triceptor charged at the T-rex's leg.  Thump! As the T-rex fell to the ground.  Swish! The Pterodactyl is swooping again.  Suddenly a pack of Raptors jumped and roared.  The pack of Raptors charged out and jumped towards us and the screen went black.  The movie was over!  What a movie.

Week #33 - Nixie

As they ran through the woods they could hear terrible screams. Up ahead and they got scared as they remembered why they had to stay at the orphanage where there were wolves at night time. As they ran they could hear the deafening screams echo through the cold night. As they ran they saw some light and they said to each other “should we go towards the light?” They both nodded as they were walking towards the light they got more warm, but once they were really close they saw a tent and a person. They asked “who are you?”

Week #33 - Venus

Wolf  A girl! The deafening screams echoed through the night. I could just about taste her. I could finally have some dinner. I wish Doesn't she know who she's facing! Ava Oh great. I'm lost. It's getting dark and I should find shelter soon. Everything is going wrong. It couldn't get even worse. Wait, it just did. The only logical thing to do in this situation is to run!  Wolf I've been chasing her for 5 minutes! I haven't even touched her yet! Wait I said it too soon I've caught her! All I need to do is eat her!

Week #32 - Venus

I'm running away. Yes I am dear diary. My owner scolded me because my sister (Ginger) and I scratched the couch! That wasn't a thing to be mad at. We woke up at midnight, dashed to the kitchen, ate some tuna and then we disappeared into the night. But then I asked myself “should I really do this?”. We ran and ran. Suddenly a big dog appeared right in front of us. “Run!” I shouted to ginger. We ran until he was out of sight. I forgot to tell you diary that that was just a nightmare!  🐾Belle the cat

Week #32 - Alex

“Can we please play spot light tonight because it is really dark outside and the dogs have not had a walk today?” “Fine Alex, but you have to come in at 7 o'clock.” “Ok Mum.” We disappear into the night, where Mum cannot see us. It is so dark. I got to choose who I wanted to start as. I picked the hider so that means I have to try and find somewhere in the pitch black. My brother comes and tries to find me with a bright torch. How annoying! My cover has been blown by my two dogs.

Week #32 - Nixie

o ne stormy night there was a girl named Lizzy. When she was just 1 year old she was left at an orphanage and now she is hoping to get adopted so she could get out of the horrible place. Luckily she had a best friend named Star and she promised that “one day we will get out of here” but they never did. Until they found a dark, secret room, Lizzy said “but should we do this?” Star nodded, they crawled and crawled until they found an exit. They jumped down and saw the gate and disappeared into the night.

Week #32 - Kiko

Air was cold. Sky was midnight black. Moon was shining. I was running. Two hours before, my friends and I were being foolish and sneaking into the zoo. We saw rhinos and elephants. “I know that I’m with friends, but should I really do this?” I thought. We were there. THE LION’S CAGE!!!  We thought we would be legends, but we chickened out at the snarl of the intimidating lion. We ran while the lion chased us. We darted out of there in fear. We disappeared into the night, screaming. The lion simply trotted back to its cage and slept.

Week #32 - Noah

I don’t like writing much, words do not flow for me. I wish I could be playing with my cousins on Roblox or going biking along the river trail. I prefer doing maths, reading and playing.  Even going to the kitchen to eat is a better idea. But should I really do this? If I don’t do this then my parents will get mad at me and I would start to get emails from my teacher. Also, if I don’t do this, I might start to fail at school and then possibly at college, now that would not be cool!

Week #32 - Kayleigh

One day I was walking down the street to get some groceries.  As I was walking it started to get a bit dark.  Suddenly a pot hole appeared in my way and I fell down into it!  It led me down to a secret tunnel.  I heard a voice call out, “Come, Come in it is a really nice place in here”.  “But should I really do this?” I thought. “Ok then I will”, then suddenly mouse traps surrounded me.  The evil snake came out of his hiding place and then we disappeared into the night.   Never doing that again!

Week #32 - Venice

While we disappeared into the night, I thought about what my friend told me. “ You should take more risks” The wind flew by me, I regretted not wearing a jacket. We came to the next house, I straightened my skirt and put on my best cheerleader face. No-one was there. My friend marched up and went inside. I wanted to follow her but, should I really do this? Oh well. The more candy the better! I ran up to her and unlocked the safe. When I unlocked it, there were thousands of candy! I should take more risks after all.

Week #32 - Tineke

On my first night at boarding school, some girls asked if I wanted to join them outside. I wasn't sure, I wanted to make new friends but worried I would get into trouble. The girls read my mind and told me they had never been caught. So we disappeared into the night. We stumbled upon the horse stable where the girls asked if I could ride. I said, “yes!” and the girls’ faces lit up. We jumped onto the horses and followed a track, the moonlight guiding us. Later, back in my bed, I wondered what tomorrow night would bring!

Week #31 - Gian

One night in Australia a man named Ockert Le Rouxof took the best photo of his life. He and his camping group were going to sleep in the wild that night. Ockert was a photographer and took other pictures while he was camping. The next morning Ockert saw his picture on Facebook and Google. It had 5,582,934 views! He only posted it last night, he wondered how his other photos have just 100 views.  When he went to town he was so famous everyone took pictures with him. He was so excited he wrote a story about it.