Week #33 - Cooper

A couple of months ago my brother and I were out in the dark scary
woods at night hunting for deer. The  deafening screams echoed
through the cold night. Where's James? Over there. What's he doing
over there? It's raining hard down! Zap!! And there is lightning too.
The lightning zapped a tree right in front of my brother. “Quick,
someone save me!!” said my brother.  I ran over to my brother and
pulled him out of the way. “Thank you for saving me,” sighed James. 
“That's all right,” I replied. “Come on let's go home before we get wet”.


  1. Hello Cooper,
    Well done on the terrific description of the storm in your story. I could really imagine the cold, the heavy rain and the lightning strike.
    I'm surprised you weren't already soaking wet before deciding to head home. It sounds like awful weather!
    Well done,
    Michelle, Team 100wc
    Melbourne, Australia


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