Week #33 - Tineke

“Yes” I was invited to a sleepover. It was my second sleepover and I was really excited. I started packing straight away. When everyone had arrived we opened up all the presents and played delightful games. When it was time for bed we all nicely went to sleep but me. The deafening screams echoed through the cold night making me scared. I woke my friend up and said I was scared. She understood and said that if you put something happy into your mind it will not be scary. So I did, and that night ended up being the best.


  1. Your story includes some good advice to always remember. I was bit confused in the beginning, because you packed I assume you went to someone else's house. That part was not clear. You made me smile thinking about sleepovers!

    Keep writing!
    Mrs. Silver
    Team 100
    Illinois, USA


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