Week #32 - Venice

While we disappeared into the night, I thought about what my friend told me. “ You should take more risks” The wind flew by me, I regretted not wearing a jacket. We came to the next house, I straightened my skirt and put on my best cheerleader face. No-one was there. My friend marched up and went inside. I wanted to follow her but, should I really do this? Oh well. The more candy the better! I ran up to her and unlocked the safe. When I unlocked it, there were thousands of candy! I should take more risks after all.


  1. Risk taker / risk maker, hmmmm. I'm not sure that it should run to breaking into other peoples houses Venice! I wonder where you keep your lockdown treats in your house. The use of a safe in this story seems a little over the top :)
    As I read blogs each week, I'm always intrigued by the way in which different students interpret the prompt. Yours is certainly different.
    Thanks for persevering with your writing during this difficult time.
    Jackie (Team 100WC)
    New Plymouth


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