Week #23 (2) - George

 As I was exploring the deep blue sea in my  submarine, I saw a big gentle white octopus. The gang and I were terrified even though we were in the submarine. We thought it was going to eat us because it was quickly springing up and down. But then we realised it was just protecting its babies. Five minutes after we left the octopus we heard a big banging noise. So we decided to go back to the big octopus to see what was wrong. The funny thing was the big banging noise was just the octopus playing a piano.


  1. Well done George, you've done a great job with the prompt words. I really enjoyed reading your story and would love to read even more.
    You have written an imaginative piece and I can easily visualise it.
    Great writing this week.
    Ms Brennock
    Team 100 w/c
    Dublin, Ireland.


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