Week #24 (22) - Willie
A roar! Came from the mysterious forest. A few kids went to check it out, they heard weird and unknown sounds. There was a loud thump! Came from every side, left and right. Everyone was scared, one of the kids spotted brown hairy arms clinged onto the wrinkly tree. The kids SCREAMED!! When all the other kids went to look, the mysterious creature disappeared. The whole group were confused, the kid who saw the mysterious creature explained but the rest of the group were in disbelief. All the kids went back home hoping they would see the creature once again.
Greetings from Australia Willie. Congratulations on your response to this week’s challenge. I was hooked by the start of your text, and your use of onomatopoeia. Remember to re-read, and edit your text for punctuation before you publish (or ask a friend to help you). Accurate punctuation makes it easy for readers to read, and make meaning from your text. I enjoyed reading your writing.🙏😊