Week #29 - Haimish

CRASH A speeding car SLAMMED into my roof, during my summer afternoon. I was confused when I learned that a car somehow launched itself into my roof, when I saw it, I wondered how it crashed on my roof. Soon I ended up calling the police to help me figure out how/why a car smashed itself into my house. The police informed me that they were chasing a criminal and that was the same car they used. I was still confused, “How did it crash?” The police wondered the same thing, but the criminal did steal high tech equipment.


  1. Haimish,
    I can see how the photo prompt could inspire a tale such as you have produced here. Good job. I like how the character did not call the police right away because that seemed realistic--the narrator would have been in a bit of frozen shock at first, right?
    Keep writing.
    Mrs. G., Team 100, Guilderland, NY, USA


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