Week #29 - Venus

I work at St Joseph’s school as a teacher in Kea 2. It was the last day of Term one, I was walking to the staff room when I saw my car reverse! I ran out of the gate. I couldn’t see anyone driving my car! I ran and ran after my car. When it stopped at a broken street. I Knew it was trapped! It actually accelerated and ran up a ramp into a roof of a house! I climbed up and around the destruction and looked in my car. There in front of me was my dog, Rufus.


  1. Hi Venus
    You have used the prompt to create a really interesting 100WC this week. It would be very confusing to see your car driving away with no driver! Then to find the driver was you dog - very strange. You have kept up the pace of your writing so the reader is interested right to the very end. Well done.
    Mrs P (Team 100WC)
    Wellington, New Zealand


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