Week #31 - Alex

The cold breeze was in my face as I watched the amazing sun rise. How beautiful and what a good spot to see the sun rise. But who would have thought that Australia had such cold breezes. The sun behind the tree is awesome. I wish we could get that in Brazil. I came here to explore the wilderness of Australia and their most beautiful sunrises.  But that is not all the things they have here….they have lots! Oooh look at that baby kangaroo coming out of its mums pouch. It doesn't look to be too frightened by me.


  1. Hi Alex,
    Well done on your story this week. I could imagine that lovely cool breeze. We've been enjoying lovely summer weather here in Ireland at the moment, but I live near the sea so there is always a cool breeze.
    Keep up the great writing.
    Ms Brennock
    Team 100 w/c
    Dublin, Ireland


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